escape to continue (v2), 2021
37"H x 14"W x 14"D on a rotating stand
Human-made and natural materials including: plastic models, old mobile phones, small tv tube, rusted bottle caps, charms
Human-made and natural materials including: plastic models, old mobile phones, small tv tube, rusted bottle caps, charms
This piece is a result of paying close attention to our ever changing media and communications
technology and it's resulting impact on human behavior and our society.
(click to enlarge images)
technology and it's resulting impact on human behavior and our society.
(click to enlarge images)
Details of this piece
Top of piece, front and back views
Middle section, front and back
Art References
Often in my work I will embed references to artworks of others.
In the left image it's Albrecht Durer's Praying Hands and to the
right is Michelangelo's Pieta
The figure standing in the center in front of the communication towers
represents Edward Bernays, the godfather of propaganda.
Sequences of the lenticular image at the center of the communication tower.
A tour around the base of the piece showing the screens, 8 hanging totems, and various charms.
A little bit of an 'easter egg'...the small tv screen viewed from a distance reveals an all seeing eye